
Showing posts from October, 2021

Tell Me On A Sunday Review- 19/10/21

  On Tuesday, I was invited to the opening night of Tell Me On A Sunday at The Lowry Theatre in Manchester. I wasn’t familiar with any of the songs (bar the title track) or really what the story was about, so it was exciting to watch it completely blind. The show wasn’t like anything I’ve ever seen before, as it is a one-woman show. Jodie Prenger plays the role of Emma, an English woman living alone in New York as she experiences the trials and tribulations of love and dating. The story is told through a series of letters to her mum back at home, as well as through songs directed at characters, such as Emma’s multiple love interests, who are never seen by the audience. The venue was very intimate, which enabled the audience to really connect with Emma’s story and feel apart of it. The simplicity of the set and stage keeps all of the focus on the music and the narrative. The nature of the show meant that all of the pressure was on Jodie to express to the audience exactly what was happen